

It was around 2006 that Koen and Dennis started producing songs together. There style was quite obvious from the start. To bring a certain atmosphere into the minimal genre. Dennis has been making dance tracks since he was 17 years old. Live-acts on events like Dance Opera, Belgica Rave, “Nacht der Jongeren”, “Nacht der DJ’s”, Bonzaï, City Parade, …

Koen has been a DJ in clubs like Illusion, Lunatics Fun Factory, Phreakz, …
Throughout all styles, minimal was always the favorite for this upcoming DJ. After 2 years of passion for minimal songs with a twist the moment came when Koen and Dennis had to perform together on a Retro party, rather by accident. This performance became a blend of a Live act and a DJ act, completely in tune with each other. It was an instant match with instant success.

Agricultural was born! Now the first album is almost ready to be released.

Listen and enjoy our music on soundcloud.